We build a model to predict car accident risk from Google Street View house images.
Statistical software for sparse longitudinal data
Bringing together engineering, medicine and business at Stanford (400+ members).
Modern computer vision in biomechanics
Computational methods for transfering a painting style to any photo
Neuromuscular simulations for studying motor control. Official NIPS challenge in 2017 & 2018.
Łukasz Kidziński is a co-founder of Saliency.ai, a medical imaging platform, and a researcher in the Mobilize Center at Stanford, working on the intersection of computer science, statistics, and biomechanics. Previously a researcher in the CHILI group, Computer-Human Interaction in Learning and Instruction, at the EPFL.
He obtain his Ph.D. at Université Libre de Bruxelles in mathematical statistics, working on time series analysis and functional data. He obtained two master degrees, in mathematics and in computer science, from the University of Warsaw.
Postdoc in Bioengineering and Statistics
Stanford University
Postdoc in Computer Science, 2016
École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne
PhD in Mathematical Statistics, 2014
Université libre de Bruxelles
MSc in Mathematics, 2011
University of Warsaw
MSc in Computer Science, 2010
University of Warsaw
I was a teaching instructor for the following courses: